
This book of scientific articles is published during the 21st Men,s Handball World Championship held in Croatia.

We are hoping Croatian national team will be successful as many times before in the last decade, or even two. A question arises: What is the place of kinesiology (or sports sciences) research studies, findings and notions in sports achievements in general, handball in particular?

There is no doubt that nowadays top-level achievements are realized by talented athletes, associated in homogeneous teams, mostly due to high quality training processes managed by expert coaches who get all possible material, organizational and scientific support. Numerous analyses indicate that the highest sports achievements are unimaginable without the application of scientific findings and inferences.

The mentioned facts motivated the editors and authors of this book to collect typical original scientific papers, already published in scientific journals or proceedings, that investigate the game of handball and offer them to academic and professional community, thus overriding limited accessibility of specialised scientific publications to wider expert population.

The book is a systematization and display of research work on handball in Croatia and Slovenia. We are quite aware that our selection is far from being comprehensive, but certain things must be left for the future. Still, it is our hope that the presented papers will be enough for the image of the research possibilities in handball, and more important, of the applicability of scientific findings in improvements of handball training theory and methods.