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Peter of Spain: Language in Dispute

SKU: JBEN45243

108.12   ( iva incluído )



The studies in the history of the language sciences series has been established as a companion to the international journal for the history of linguistics, historiographia linguistica. It is intended to meet the revival of interest of scholars in the history of linguistic thought and to provide an organized and informative reservoir on information concerning the heritage of linguistic ideas of more than two millennia.

In accordance with these goals, Studies in the history of the language sciences (SiHoLS) will publish book-length studies by scholars working in the history of linguistic, whether they concern a particular aspect of the discipline or a special period of its development.





Summulae Logicales
Tract I: On Introductory Notions
On Dialectic
On Sound
On Vocal Expression (Vox)
On the Noun
On the Verb
On the Word – Group (oratio)
On the Proposition
On the Categoric Proposition and its threefold division
On the Hypothetic Proposition and its Division
On Mode
On Modal Propositions

Tract II: On Predicables
On Predicable
On Commonalities and Differences of Predicables
On Predication
On Denominatives

Tract III: On Predicaments
On some prefatory notions
On Substance
On Quantity
On Compared-to-Another (Relation)
On Quality
On Action
On Passion (to undergo: Pati)
On a four-fold opposition
On Prior
On Together
On Change (Motus)
On Possession (Habere)

Tract IV: On Syllogisms
On the Proposition
On the Syllogism
On the First Figure
On the Second Figure
On Reduction through the Impossible
On the Third Figure
On some Rules
On unusable Connexities (conjugatio)

Tract V: On Topics
On the multiple ambiguity of Ratio
On Argument and Argumentation
On Topic in General
On Intrinsic Topics
On the Topic from Substance
On the Topic from Concomitants of Substance
On the Topic from Cause
On the Topic from Generation
On the Topic from Corruption
On the Topic from Uses
On the Topic from Things Commonly Co-occurring
On Extrinsic Topics
On the Topic from Opposites
On the Topic from the Greater and the Lesser
On the Topic from Like
On the Topic from Proportion
On the Topic from Transfer
On the Topic from Authority
On Mediate Topics
On the Topic from Conjugates
On the Topic from Derivates (cases)
On the Topic from Division

Tract VI: On Suppositions
On Signification
On Supposition and Copulation
On the Division of Supposition

Tract VII: On Fallacies
On the Definition of Disputation
On the Division of Disputation
On Sophistical Disputation and its Ends
On the thirteen Fallacies
On Linguistic Fallacies
On Equivocation
On the Definition of Fallacy
On the Definition of Equivocation
On the Division of Equivocation
On Amphiboly
On the Definition of Amphiboly
On the Modes Common to Equivocation and Amphiboly
On Composition and Division
On Potential Polysemy
On Composition
On Division
On Accent
On the Definition of Accent
On the Causes and Modes of Accent
On Word-Figure
On the Mode of Signifying in a Word (dictio)
On Figure
On Word-Figure
On Causes and Modes of Word-Figure
On Extralinguistic Fallacies
On Accident
On Causes and Modes of Accident
On The Fallacy After-A-Fashion and Simply
On the Definition of these Terms
On Causes and Modes of this Fallacy
On Ignoring Refuting Evidence
On Refutation (elenchus)
On Ignorance
On Ignorantia elenchi
On the Causes and Modes of this Fallacy
On Assuming the Point at Issue
On its Definition
On Causes amd Modes of this Fallacy
On The Fallacy of Consequent
On Consequence
On Causes and Modes of this Fallacy
On the Fallacy of Non-Cause as Cause
On two kinds of Syllogism
On the Fallacy of Non-cause as Cause
On the Causes of this Fallacy
On the Fallacy of Many Questions as One
On Statement, Proposition, Interrogation and Conclusion
On Reduction of all Fallacies
On two kinds of Ignoring the Point at issue
On generic Reduction
On specific Reduction

Tract VIII: On Relatives
On two kinds of Relative
On Substantive Relatives
On Identical Relatives
On Relatives of Diversity
On a rule about a Relative of Diversity
On a rule about a relative of Identity given by predecessors
On a certain rule about a Relative of Identity
On Relatives of Accident
On division of a Relative of Accident
On Relatives of Accidental Identity
On the words such, so great, so many, as often, so often

Tract IX: On Extensions
On Personal Supposition
On Restriction and Extension
On the Division of Extension
A Sophism
On two Rules

Tract X: On Appellations
On the Definition of Appellation
On the Division of Appellation
On the Appellation of a Common Term

Tract XI: On Restrictions
On the Definition of Restriction
On the Division of Restriction

Tract XII: On Distributions
On the Definition of Distribution
On Universal Markers
Index of References
Index of Words and Things
Index of Sophisms and Examples

Informação adicional

Peso 0.75 kg




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