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Louis van Gaal’s Coaching Philosophy and Practices

SKU: ST91010

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Louis van Gaal is one of the most successful coaches in world football.

This book gives you the chance to learn from the man himself about his football philosophy.

Topics include preparation and tactics, how to manage a team, data analysis, the periodization of fitness training, man management, tactics and psychology.



Chapter 1
Pre-world cup 2014 analysis: The 3-5-2 / 3-4-1-2 Formation
A first analysis of Netherlands, New style of play: The 3-5-2 / 3-4-1-2
What did Louis Van Gaal learn from Netherlands Vs Ecuador?
Build combination play

Chapter 2
Preparation and tactics for the 2014 world cup
No trends
Coaching language
Technical director
Progress in build up play
Being compact in defence
Player awareness
The opposition
The strength of the Netherlands
Chapter summary and Louis Van Gaal Quotes

Chapter 3
How to manage the dutch national team: the tree assignaments
Three assignments
Division of tasks
The hotel requirements
Pre-match planning
The Barcelona style of Play
Selecting a captain
Communicating with players
Style of play
Chapter summary and Louis Van Gaal Quotes

Chapter 4
Louis Van Gaal Netherlands training practices 2012-2014
Practice format
1. Passing + dribble Combination”Triangle”
2. Double one-two Combination Triangle
3. Double one-two Combination triangle (2)
4. Passing ‘Square, – Receive, directional touch, Pass and follow
5. Passing ,Square, – Timing of movement in a quick one-two combination
6. Timing of movement in a quick one-two combination drill with third man run
7. Moving to receive in a one touch passing drill
8. “Y-shape” – Dribble, change direction + pass
9. “Y-shape” – One-two combination, Pass + Dribble
10. “Y-shape” – Double one-two combination, timing the forward run + dribble
11. 5 V 3 Awareness time and space possession exercise
12. 6 V 7 (+ Gk) Attack Vs defence – Combination to break through
13. Collective defending in a 8 V 7 Game situation
14. Positional support play in a 8 (+2) V 8 (+2) possession game
15. Passing “stations” – Create space, give& go + dribble in a continuous drill
16. Passing “stations” – Create space, third man run + Dribble in a continuous drill
17. Passing “Stations” – Creation space, Give& Go, third Man Run + dribble in a continuous drill
18. Passing “Stations” – Create space, give& go small sided game
19. High speed of play quick finishing 6 V 6 small sided game
20. Positional play in a 7V 3 possession game
21. Attack formation (2-3-2) V Defence crossing and finishing practice
22. Press high up the pitch, win the ball and counter attack in a 7 V 6 (+GK) Practice
23. Switch of play, 1 V 1 flank play + crossing and finishing practice
24. Switching play in a box formation 5v5 small sided game with outfield goalkeepers
25. Shooting practice with one-two combinations

Chapter 5
Louis van Gaal training practices from az alkmaar, Bayern Munich&
Az alkmaar Practices
1. Coaching positional roles to build up play in a 6 zone 8 v 8 (+Gk) Functional Practice
2. Coaching positional roles to build up play in a 7 zone 11 v 11 Game
Bayern Munich practices
1. Timing of movements in a double one-two triangle passing combination
2. Timing positional roles to build one-two passing combination + dribble
Manchester UTD practices
1. Passing diamond with quick combination pay
2. Passing diamond with quick combination play (2)
3. Shooting practice with one-two combinations (2)
4. Set Play: Short corner – cross and Finish
5. Set play: in-swinging Corner and Finishing
6. Set play: wide free-kick – Timing of runs and finishing

Chapter 6
Data analysis and the periodization of fitness training
Football conditioning
Fitness analysis
Interpreting data
Tactical analysis
3d Game analysis
Chapter summary

Chapter 7
Coaching players in the situation& creating a “Winning climate”
Style of play
Pieces of the puzzle
Eleven versus eleven
The human and footballer
The mental aspect
Video analysis
The importance of youth development for Dutch football
Chapter summary and Louis Van Gaal quotes

Chapter 8
The importance of tactics and psychology
One step at the time
Buying players
The diamond midfield
Video analysis
Fc Barcelona
The ‘Masterplan,
Jose Mourinho
Flexible and honest
The world cup
Chapter summary and Louis Van Gaal quotes

Chapter 9
Rinus Michels& Van Gaal on the future of Dutch football
Another style of play?
Dutch football philosophy
Breaking point
The transition phase
Director of football
Regional coaches
Louis Van Gaal quotes

Informação adicional

Peso 0.345 kg



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