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Jurgen Klopp’s Defending Tactics

Tactical analysis and sessions from Borussia Dortmund's 4-2-3-1
SKU: ST91034

28.80   ( iva incluído )



Jurgen Klopp,s Borussia Dortmund are a very successful team that focus on high tempo pressing, preventing through balls and preparing for the transition from attack to defence when in possession. Jurgen Klopp has Champions League Final in 2013.

Athanasios Terzis is UEFA ‘B, licence coach and has provided a full and extensive analysis of Jurgen Klopp’s Borussia Dortmund team.

This tactical blueprint is explained clearly with supporting diagrams, notes and detailed descriptions

This analysis has been used to produce 14 sessions (53 practices) including functional practices, opposed/unopposed zone play, transition games, game situations and small sided games.



How the tactical analysis was produced for this book
Jurgen Klopp and Borussia Dortmund
Borussia Dortmund,s players
Coaching format

Chapter 1: Borussia Dortmund in the defensive phase
The defensive phase

Chapter 2: Pressing against the 4-4-2/4-2-3-1
Pressing against teams with two defensive midfielders (4-4-2/4-2-3-1)
Blocking the passing options for the centre back and forcing the ball wide (winger is the first defender)
Tactical analysis: blocking inside and forward passes
Creating a strong side forcing the ball wide (centre forward is the first defender)
Tactical analysis: creating superiority in numbers, marking all potential receivers and applying double marking
Marking all potential receivers after pass towards the full back (No. 10 is first defender)
Tactical analysis: blocking the passing options

Defending tactical situation 1: Applying pressure on the goalkeeper
Applying pressure on the goalkeeper
Tactical analysis: applying pressure on the goalkeeper against the 4-4-2

Session for this tactical situation (5 practices)
1. Applying pressure on the goalkeeper and forcing the ball wide
2. Applying pressure on the goalkeeper and the centre back, preventing passes inside and forcing the ball wide
3. Creating a strong side, forcing the ball wide and marking all potential receivers in a 2 zone dynamic practice
4. Creating a strong side, forcing the ball wide and marking all potential receivers in a 2 zone dynamic practice (2)
5. Creating a strong side, forcing the ball wide and marking all potential receivers in an 11 v 11 game

Defending tactical situation 2: defending the forward run of the full back during the pressing application
Defending the forward run of the full back during the pressing application
Tactical analysis: defending against the forward run of the full back
Session for this tactical situation (4 practices)
1. Defending the forward run of the full back on the strong side
2. Defending the forward run of the full back on the strong side (2)
3. Defending the forward run of the full back on the strong side in a 10 v 10 small sided game
4. Defending the forward run of the full back on the strong side in a dynamic 11 v 11 game

Defending tactical situation 3: Ultra offensive pressing
Ultra offensive pressing
Applying immediate pressure, forcing the ball inside& preventing a pass to the full back
Session for this tactical situation (3 practices)
1. Pressing high up the pitch, forcing the ball inside and blocking potential passes
2. Pressing high up the pitch, forcing the ball inside and blocking potential passes in a dynamic zonal game
3. Pressing high up the pitch, forcing the ball inside and blocking potential passes in a dynamic 11 v 11 zonal game

Defending tactical situation 4: Ultra offensive pressing: defending against a long pass towards the advanced full back
Defending against a long pass towards the advanced full back
Tactical analysis: applying immediate pressure and defending a long pass towards advanced full back
Session for this tactical situation (4 practices)
1. Defensive reactions to a successful long pass towards the advanced full back with high tempo pressing
2. Defending a successful long pass with cohesive pressing on the strong side in a 9 v 8 (+GK) practice
3. Defending a successful long pass with cohesive pressing on the strong side in a 9 v 8 (+GK) practice (2)
4. Defending a successful long pass with cohesive pressing on the strong side in an 11 v 11 game

Chapter 3: Pressing against the 4-3-3
Pressing against the 4-3-3 formation
Tactical analysis: putting pressure on the goalkeeper against the 4-3-3 formation
Blocking the vertical / inside passes and forcing the ball wide
Defending the inside pass towards the def. midfielder (No. 10 is first defender)
Tactical analysis: forcing the ball wide against the 4-3-3 formation
Tactical analysis: defending a long pass to the No. 10 against the 4-3-3 formation
Creating a strong side and forcing the ball wide (centre forwards is first defender)
Forcing the ball wide and marking all the potential receivers of the ball

Chapter 4: pressing against the 4-3-3
Pressing against the 3-4-3 formation
Putting pressure on the goalkeeper against the 3-4-3- formation
Tactical analysis: putting pressure on the goalkeeper
Blocking the vertical / inside passes and forcing the ball wide
Tactical analysis: forcing the ball wide after the first pass to the centre back
Putting immediate pressure on the ball and forcing the ball inside
Tactical analysis: forcing the ball wide after the first pass towards the centre back

Chapter 5: defending in the middle third
Defending in the middle third
Defending tactical situation 5: putting pressure on midfielders positioned between the lines
Putting pressure on midfielders positioned between the lines
Tactical analysis: pressing midfielders who move to receive in free space near the sideline
Session for this tactical situation (5 practices)
1. Pressing midfielders positioned between the lines and retaining a compact formation
2. Applying immediate pressure on midfielders (prevent them from turning)
3. Applying immediate and retaining a compact in a zonal dynamic 9 v 9 small sided game
4. Pressing midfielders and retaining a compact formation in a zonal dynamic small sided game
5. Pressing midfielders and retaining a compact formation in a 7 zone dynamic 8 v 9 small side game

Defending tactical situation 6: preventing through balls
Preventing trough balls
Session for this tactical situation (4 practices)
1. Preventing trough balls with a compact and cohesive midfield line
2. Pressing centre backs, preventing through balls and forcing the ball wide
3. Pressing centre backs, preventing through balls and forcing the ball wide in a 6 zone dynamic practice
4. Pressing centre backs, preventing through balls and forcing the ball wide in a 6 zone dynamic practice

Defending tactical situation 7: the defenders, reaction to trough balls
The defender,s reaction to trough balls
Session for this tactical situation (4 practices)
1. Defending passes to the forwards: decision making and cohesive reactions
2. Preventing trough balls by using controlling positions and providing cover in defence
3. Preventing trough balls with good decision making and cohesive movement in a dynamic 8 v 7 SSG
4. Preventing through balls with good decision making and cohesive movement in a dynamic 9 v 8 (+GK) SSG

Defending tactical situation 8: Defending near the sideline
Defending near the sideline
Tactical analysis: defending the forward run of the full back on the strong side
Session for this tactical situation (4 practices)
1. Defending in pairs near the sideline (full back and winger)
2. Defending near the sideline in a 2 g 1 situacion
3. Defending near the sideline in a 9 v 9 dynamic small sided game with zones

Defending tactical situation 9: defending the forward run of the full back on the waek side
Defending the forward run of the full back on the weak side
Tactical analysis: switching from passive defending to pressing
Session for this tactical situation (4 practices)
1. Switching from passive defending to pressing and creating a strong side with a 3 v 2 numerical advantage
2. Switching from passive defending to pressing and creatin a string side with a 4 v 3 numerical advantage
3. Switching from passive defending to pressing and creating a strong side in a 2 phase dynamic SSG
4. Switching from passive defending to pressing and creating a strong side in a dynamic 11 v 11 zonal game
Defending tactical situation 10: Defending against teams with a three man defence
Defending against teams with a three man defence
Defending tactical situation 11: Dealing with the extensive shift of a centre back towards the sideline (covering the position)
Dealing with the extensive shift of a centre back

Chapter 6: Defending in the defensive third
Defending in the defensive third

Chapter 7: The transition from attack to defence
The transition from attack to defence

Negative transition tactical situation 1: Retaining superiority in numbers at the back against the 4-4-2 formation
Retaining superiority in numbers at the back against the 4-4-2 formation
Session for this tactical situation (5 practices)
1. Retaining superiority in numbers at the back against the 4-4-2 in a simple 2 zone 4 v 2 practice
2. Retaining superiority in numbers when both full backs are in advanced positions (def. midfielder drops back)
3. Retaining superiority in numbers at the back against the 4-4-2 in 6 v 4 dynamic 4 zone transition game
4. Retaining superiority in numbers at the back against the 4-4-2 in a 6 v 4 dynamic 4 zone transition game (2)
5. Retaining superiority in numbers at the back transition play in an 8 v 8 small sided game

Negative transition tactical situation 2: retaining superiority in numbers at the back against the 4-2-3-1 formation
Retaining superiority in numbers at the back against the 4-2-3-1 formation
Session for this tactical situation (2 practices)
1. Retaining superiority in numbers at the back against the 4-2-3-1 in a simple 2 zone 4 v 2 practice
2. Retaining superiority in numbers when both full back are in advanced positions (def. midfielder drops back)

Negative transition tactical situation 3: Retaining superiority in numbers at the back against the 4-3-3, 4-1-4-1, 4-3-1-2 and 3-4-1-2
Retaining superiority in numbers at the back against the 4-3-3 or 4-1-4-1 formation
Retaining superiority in numbers at the back against the 4-3-1 or 3-4-1-2 formation

Negative transition tactical situation 4: Retaining balance in midfield
Retaining balance midfield
Superiority in numbers at the back created by the full back dropping back on the weak side
Tactical analysis: 3 man defence created by the full back on the weak side dropping back
Tactical analysis: superiority in numbers created by def. midfielder dropping back
Tactical analysis: superiority in numbers created by the def. midfielder dropping back into a centre back,s position
Session for this tactical situation (3 practices)
1. Retaining balance in the midfield line to prepare for the transition from attack to defence 6 v 6 zonal game
2. Retaining balance in the midfield line to prepare for the transition from attack to defence 6 v 6 zonal game (2)
3. Retaining balance in the midfield line to prepare for the transition from attack to defence 6 v 6 zonal game (3)
Negative transition tactical situation 5: retaining balance near the sideline
The full back and winger are in advanced positions and the def. midfielder
Tactical analysis: full back moves forward& the the winger drops deep to provide balance
Tactical analysis: the full back& winger are in advanced positions and the def. midfielder drops back to provide balance

Session for this tactical situation (3 practices)
1. Retaining balance near the sideline to prepare for the negative transition in a dynamic 8 one transition game
2. Retaining balance near the sideline to prepare for the negative transition in a dynamic 8 zone transition game (2)
3. Retaining balance near the sideline to prepare for the negative transition in a dynamic 8 zone transition game (2)

Negative transition tactical situation 6: retaining a safety player
Retaining a safety player
Tactical analysis: the full back and def. midfielder are the safety players
Tactical analysis: the winger receives near the sideline& the full back is the safety player
Tactical analysis: the def. midfielder is the safety player
Tactical analysis: both defensive midfielder are safety players
Tactical analysis: the winger is the safety player
Tactical analysis: the def. midfielder and the winger are the safety players
Session for this tactical situation (3 practices)
1. Retaining safety players when building up play in a dynamic 4 zone 9 v 10 transition game
2. Retaining safety players when building up play in an 11 v 11 dynamic 4 zone transition game
3. Retaining safety players when building up play in an 11 v 11 dynamic 4 zone transition game (2)

Informação adicional

Peso 1.1 kg




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