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Handbook of Rational and Social Choice

SKU: OUP90420

200.34   ( iva incluído )



This book provides an overview of issues arising in work on the foundations of decision theory and social choice over the past three decades.

Drawing on work by economic theorists mainly, but also with contributions from political science, philosophy, and psychology, the collection shows how the related areas of decision theory and social choice have developed in their applications and moved well beyond the basic models of expected utility and utilitarian approaches to welfare economics.

Containing twenty‐three contributions, in many cases by leading figures in their fields, this book shows how the normative foundations of economics have changed dramatically as more general and explicit models of utility and group choice have been developed.

This is perhaps the first time these developments have been brought together in a manner that seeks to identify and make accessible the recent themes and developments that have been of particular interest to researchers in recent years.


List of contributors

Part I – Utility theory, rationality, and decision-markin
1. Expected utility theory
Simon Grant and Timothy Van Zandt
2. Rank-dependent utility
Mohamed Abdellaoui
3. Applications of non-expected utility
Han Bleichrodt
4. Ambiguity
Jurgen Eichberger and David Kelsey
5. The normative status of the independence principle
Edward F. McClennen
6. Rationality and intransitive preference: foundations for the modern view
Paul Anand
7. Dutch book arguments
Alan Hajek
8. Experimental tests of rationality
Daniel Read
9. State dependent utility
Edi Karni
10. Choice over time
Paola Manzini and Marco Mariotti
11. Imitation and learning
Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Karl H. Schlag
12. Diversity
Klaus Nehring and Clemens Puppe

Part II – Social choice and welfare
13. Limits of utilitariansism as the ethical basis of public action
Prasanta K. Pattanaik
14. Consequentialism and non-consequentialism: the axiomatic approach
Kotaro Suzumura and Yongsheng Xu
15. Freedom of choice
Keith Dowding and Martin van Hees
16. Reponsibility
Marc Fleurbaey
17. Equality and priority
Bertil Tungodden
18. Rawlsian and priority
Fabienne Peter
19. Judgment aggregation
Christian List and Clemens Puppe
20. Populations ethics
Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert, and David Donaldson
21. Distributive justice: an overview of experimental evidence
Wulf Gaertner
22. Social choice in health and health care
Aki Tsuchiya and John Miyamoto
23. The capabilities
Erick Schokkaert

Informação adicional

Peso 1.2 kg





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